TYR: Myth-Culture-Tradition
TYR: Myth-Culture-Tradition er et amerikansk radikalt tradisjonalistisk tidsskrift som utgis av forlaget Ultra Press. Redaksjonen består av Joshua Buckley og Michael Moynihan, og i den første publikasjonen Collin Cleary.
TYR: Vol.1
Vol. 1 (Ultra Press, 2002, ISBN 0-9720292-0-6) inneholder 286 sider.
- Stephen Edred Flowers: The Idea of Integral Culture: A Model for a Revolt Against the Modern World
- Collin Cleary: Knowing the Gods
- Alain de Benoist: Priests, Warriors, and Cultivators interview with Georges Dumézil
- Steve Pollington: From Lore-Giver to Law-Giver: The Tale of Woden
- Alby Stone: Indo-European trifunctional Elements in Celtic Myth,
- Michael Moynihan: Divine Traces in the Nibelungenlied,
- Nigel Pennick: The Goddess Zisa
- Annabel Lee: “The Dark Side of the Mountain,”
- Nigel Pennick: On the Spiritual Arts and Crafts
- Joscelyn Godwin: Julius Evola; A Philosopher for the Age of the Titans
- Markus Wolff: Hermann Löns; An Introduction to His Life and Work
- Joshua Buckley: intervjuer Ian Read fra den engelske hedenske musikkgruppen Fire + Ice
- og over 80 sider med bok- og musikkomtaler.
TYR: Vol. 2
Vol. 2 (Ultra Press, 2004, ISBN 0-9720292-1-4) inneholder 432 sider + en CD med musikkgruppene: Blood Axis, Les Joyaux de la Princesse, Fire & Ice, Coil og 16 Horsepower blant flere.
- Julius Evola: The Traditional Doctrine of Battle and Victory
- Collin Cleary: Summoning the Gods: The Phenomenology of Divine Presence
- Alain de Benoist: Thoughts on God
- Charles Champetier: On Being a Pagan: Ten Years Later, An Interview with Alain de Benoist
- Michael Moynihan: Reflections on Disparate Myths of Divine Sacrifice
- Steve Pollington: Origins of the Germanic Warband
- Nigel Pennick: Heathen Holy Places in Northern Europe: A Cultural Overview
- John Matthews: There Were Giants in Those Times: The Guardians of Albion
- Christian Rätsch: The Sacred Plants of Our Ancestors
- Stephen Flowers: The First Northern Renaissance: The Reawakening of the Germanic Spirit in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in Germany, Sweden, and England
- Stephen McNallen: Three Decades of the Ásatrú Revival in America
- Markus Wolff: Ludwig Fahrenkrog and the Germanic Faith-Community: Wodan Triumphant
- Peter Bahn: The Friedrich Hielscher Legend: The Founding of a Twentieth-Century Panentheistic "Church" and Its Subsequent Misinterpretations
- Joscelyn Godwin: Herman Wirth on Folksong
- Bok- og musikkomtaler
- Tillegg: Bonus CD Sampler
TYR: Vol. 3
Vol. 3 (Ultra Press, 2006, ISBN 0-9720292-3-0) inneholder 530 sider.
- Thomas Naylor: Cipherspace
- Annie Le Brun: Catastrophe Pending
- Pentti Linkola: Survival Theory
- Michael O’Meara: On The Primordial and the Perennial
- Alain de Benoist: Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power
- Nigel Pennick: The Web of Wyrd
- Thierry Jolif: The Abode of the Gods and the Great Beyond
- Stephen Flowers: The Spear of Destiny
- Joscelyn Godwin: on Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy
- Ian Read: Humour in the Icelandic Sagas
- Géza von Neményi: on the Hávamál
- Gordon Kennedy: Children of the Sonne
- Michael Moynihan: Carl Larsson’s Greatest Sacrifice
- Christopher McIntosh: Iceland’s Pagan Renaissance
- Jónína Berg: on Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson
- Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson: Selected Poems
- Vilius Rudra Dundzila: Baltic Lithuanian Religion
- James Reagan: The End Times
- Andrew King og Roland Kroell: Interviews
- Collin Cleary: Paganism Without Gods
- Róbert Horváth: on Mark Sedgwick’s Against the Modern World
- Bok- og musikkomtaler
Eksterne lenker
- Ultra Press:Offisiell nettside