Den endelige løsningen

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Den endelige løsningen, engelsk: The Final Solution, tysk: Endlösung der Judenfrage, er et politisk begrep som sikter på en massiv emigrering av jøder til en egen nasjonalstat. Theodor Herzl anvende begrepet Lösung der Judenfrage i sin ambisjon om å skape retningslinjer da den sionistiske bevegelsen tok form i slutten av 1800-tallet. Begrepet ble anvendt av de tyske nasjonalsosialistene under andre verdenskrig med samme betydning.

The Final Solution - et begrep fra den sionistiske bevegelsen

Siden Theodor Herzls dager har begrepet The Final Solution blitt brukt av den sionistiske bevegelsen. Konteksten har siktet på etablering av en egen stat for jøder og oftest i Palestina. For at visjonen skal kunne bli realisert har en emigrering av jøder blitt krevd, noe som ble realisert under andre verdenskrig da et samarbeid ble etablert med de tyske nasjonalsosialistene, blant annet gjennom overenskommelsen Haavara. I sin bok Germany Must Perish! fra 1941 anvender forfatteren Theodore N. Kaufman begrepet Final Solution.

  • I Theodor Herzls dagbøker, utgitt under tittelen The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl kan leses i Volume 3:
"...Grand Duke of Baden, who has consented to become the exalted sponsor of my humble request for an audience with Your Imperial Majesty, that I owe my permission to submit the Zionist plan for the final solution of the Jewish Question..."[1]
"The progress of modern civilization has come to be regarded as a sort of modern Messiah for the final solution of the Jewish problem."[2]
  • The Dial, 1895:
"While we belive that the initiative toward a better and more rational state of things lies the Jew himself, it seems clear enough that no final solution of the Jewish Question can be looked for without a large decrease in the world´s general stock of ignorance and fanatieism."
  • New York Times publiserte den 5 september 1897 en artikkel i forbindelse til den første sionistkongressen i Basel som tok for seg The Final Solution, rettet mot opprettelsen av en jødisk stat i Midtøsten:
"The Jewish congress at Basel convened by Dr. Herzl of Vienna has aroused in this country a deeper feeling than one of mere curiosity. It is not altogether a dream that as a part of the final solution of the Eastern question Palestine might find itself a neutral State guaranteed by the European powers."[3]
  • Crowned Masterpieces of Eloquence, 1898:
"I know that there are a great many of our people who look for a final solution of the Jewish question in what they call "assimilation.""[4]
  • The Jewish Criterion den 4 august 1899:
"What is our sin? We desire to prepare in the ancient fatherland, Palestine, a legally assured home for the Jewish people. This we consider the complete and final solution of the Jewish question."[5]
  • The Times den 11 januar 1903: "It offers to the Congress of Nations a literary digest of the mass of material apt to form the scientific basis for the final solution of the Jewish problem, which, in consequence of Secretary Hay´s Roumanian note of August 11, 1902, has again become a political and diplomatic issue of the first magnitude."[6]
  • St. John Daily Sun den 23 mai 1903:
"Rabbi Samuel Rabinowitz, D.D., delivered an able address in the synagogue on Carleton street last night on the condition, status and aspirations of the Jewish race the world over. In eloquent language and with strong feeling, bitter at times, he recounted the struggles and persecutions that had fallen in all ages to the lot of the Israelite and offered as the only final solution of the great problem the settlement of the Hebrew race as a whole in their own old land of Palestine."[7]
  • The Jewish Times den 15 januar 1909:
"A NEW COLONIZATION SCHEME [...] Mr. Landau hopes to induce this lastnamed organization to take up his scheme; the others he objects to because he thinks they go the wrong way about to work, and because they have not so far brought the Jewish problem one step nearer to a final solution."[8]
  • The Jewish Criterion den 26 juli 1912:
"As you know, most of us on the Ito were original disciples of the immortal Dr. Herzl, and it was his idea that the only final solution of the Jewish question may be in the establishing of the Jew upon a home of his own."[9]
  • Hopkinsville Kentuckian den 4 september 1913:
"Zionism is not a palliative, nor a specific, but a final solution of the Jewish problem."[10]
  • The Jewish Year Book of 5676 (1915 - 1916):
"United Synagogues adpots resolution that the final solution of the Jewish question will be facilitated by the formation of a Jewish political and spiritual center, preferably in Palestine, under the protection of the British flag."[11]
  • New York Times den 19 februar 1917:
"CZAR´S CABINET PLANS FREEDOM FOR JEWS [...] Prince Golitzin, the Premier, in approving of Protopopoff´s measures, said: "The experience gained in putting these reforms into practice will serve as vauable material for the final solution of the Jewish problem.""[12]
  • British National Archives Public Record Office document FO 141/805/1, brev den 23 mars 1917 fra Jacobus Henricus Kann til den nederlandske utenriksministeren Jonkheer John Loudon:
"[...]...we are of the opinion that a satisfactory and final solution of the Jewish question can only be reached by the fulfillment of the Zionist idea"
  • New York Times den 4 februar 1918:
"WEDGWOOD FAVORS JEWISH HOME LAND. Sees in Palestine Restoration Plan the Final Solution of the Eastern Problem. [...] The establishment of a Jewish home land in Palestine, with Jewish Ambassadors representing the interets of Palestine in every national capital of the world, would be the final solution. Colonal Wedgwood said, of the entire Jewish problem."[13]
  • The Jewish Criterion den 19 april 1918:
"The Jewish Press Bureau in Stockholm communicates as follows: The Board of the Dutch Zionist Federation has issued its protest against the fact that at the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations no representative of the Jews is heard, though not only the question of the rights of millions of Jews as a national minority will be touched upon, but also the final solution of the Jewish question may be influenced considerably."
  • The Jewish Criterion den 7 mars 1919:
""You can tell the readers of the Jewish Criterion that I am afraid I cannot see any final solution of the Jewish question. If the Jews are not to regard themselves as a separate nationality, then they must stand out propagators of an ideal religion."
  • The Canadian Jewish Chronicle den 28 mai 1920:
"As already indicated, the task of the delegation from the American Jewish Congress to the Peace Conference, was to procure freedom for our brethren in Eastern Europe and to obtain a declaration from the Powers favoring a Jewsih homeland in Palestine. The Palestinian problem will see final solution when the Turkish is Treaty is signed, which will perhaps be an accomplished fact before this goes to press."[14]
  • The Canadian Jewish Chronicle den 14 september 1928:
""The leading Jewish circles were beginning to have great confidence in me and in the power of my influence. They realized that, thanks to my connections and my opportunities for influencing leading Goverment circles, I could actually be in a position to steer the Jewish problem towards a final solution."[15]
  • The Jewish Criterion den 7 februar 1947:
"On this, the resolution declares that "the final, complete and permanent solution of the Jewish question will be attained only under Socialism on the basis of the principles formulated by Lenin and Stalin and as developed in the Soviet Union´s solution of the national question.""[16]

Hermann Görings brev til Reinhard Heydrich den 31. juli 1941

I et brev datert den 31. juli 1941 gir Hermann Göring direktiv til Reinhard Heydrich at utføre Den endelige løsningen. Brevet brukes ofte som bevismateriale for Holocaust og et statssanksjonert massemord på seks millioner jøder. Det utelates dog at Göring gir direktiv om at løsningen skal utføres med Auswanderung og Evakuierung, det vil si gjennom Emigrasjon eller Evakuering.

The Final Solution - Canada

The Final Solution anvendes som begrep også av de canadiske myndighetene under andre verdenskrig. Ettersom Japan befant seg i krig med USA og Canada, japanere bosatte i Canada ble betraktet som potensiell trussel mot sikkerheten og mange ble internert i konsentrasjonsleirer. Boken Clinching the Victory fra 1943, side 128: "...of some long term plan which envisages the final solution of the Canadian-Japanese problem: my version of that solution involves the scattering..." samt side 129"...The Government has asked out some system of placement whereby this final solution may be carried out..."[17]


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