The Elements of Racial Education
The Elements of Racial Education (It:Indirizzi per una Educazione Razziale) er en bok skrevet av Julius Evola, publisert for første gang i 1941 av Conte. Boken ble utgitt på engelsk av Thompkins & Cariou Publishing i 2005. Boken er på sett og vis et kort sammendrag av Evola's større bøker om emner knyttet til rasespørsmålet.
Fra bokens bakside
"The title of this small volume expresses clearly our intentions regarding its form and its purpose.
Here we offer neither an abstract, scientific exposition of the theory of race, nor a survey of the various racial doctrines. To achieve that purpose, we would have had to repeat things which we have already written, because we have already carried out this project in our book 'Il Mito del Sangue', published a few years ago by Hoepli.
We do not intend to proceed to a doctrinal and critical examination of the fundamentals of racism, biological, philosophical or spiritual, either, since the reader will be able to find these matters discussed in a more recent work of ours, also published by Hoepli, namely 'Sintesi di Dottrina della Razza', while, for a general account of some of the historical and traditional perspectives linked with the problems of race and 'Aryanity', he can always refer to our main work, 'Revolt against the Modern World', again published by Hoepli.
Our task in this small volume is more specialised: It does not include abstract expositions which would be used as bases of a generic 'education' and information, nor considerations designed to give more depth to the doctrine, but rather it aims to clarify the ideas — we may say the 'key ideas' — needed in order for the educator to carry out, with respect to racism, his true task. Simple notions, but clear and suffused with suggestive force, able to act on the souls of the young people rather than on their intellects, so as to promote a certain formation of their will and a certain orientation of their best vocations."
1. Foreword
2. What 'Race' means
3. Inner Meaning of Race
4. Consequences of the Feeling of Race
5. Racial Heredity and Tradition
6. Race and Nation
7. Meaning of Racial Prophylaxis
8. The Danger of Counter-Selection
9. Spirit and Race
10. Importance of the Theory of the Inner Races
11. The face of the various Races
12. The Problem of Spiritual Races
13. Races and Origins
14. Nordic-Western Migrations
15. The Problem of 'Latinity'
16. Race, Romanity and Italian History
17. The Type of our 'Super-Race'
18. Historical Place of Fascist Racism