Religion in the Ancient Greek City
Religion in the Ancient Greek City er en bok på 282 sider skrevet av Louise Bruit Zaidman og Pauline Schmitt Pantel på fransk, før den ble oversatt til engelsk av Paul Cartledge. Boken ble utgitt på engelsk i 1992 av Cambridge University Press.
Boken er en relativ grundig gjennomgang av den greske opphavlige religionen slik den ble utøvd før hellenismen og kristendommen gjorde sin entré. Den fyldige oppdaterte bibliografien tjener også sin hensikt ved å vise veg til andre mer spesialiserte studier innenfor samme emne. Boken er gjennomgående vakkert illustrert med både bilder av oldtidsgresk kunst, templer og annet.
Fra bokens vaskeseddel
"This book is a translation into English of La Religion grecque by Louise Bruit Zaidman and Pauline Schmitt Pantel, one of the liveliest and most original introductions to the subject in any language.
Classical Greek religion was an amalgam of ritual practices and religious beliefs. It acquired a definite structure at the moment when one of the typical forms of political organization in the Greek world, the polis or 'city', came into being, towards the end of the eight century BCE. This structure was based on habits of thought and intellectual categories that differed radically from our own. It is the purpose of this book to consider how religious beliefs and cultic rituals were given expression in the world of the Greek citizen -- the functions performed by the religious personnel, and the place that religion occupied in individual, social and political life. The chapters cover first ritual and then myth, rooting the account in the practices of the Classical city while also taking seriously the world of the imagination. The book is enriched throughout by quotations from original sources.
Dr Cartledge's translation amounts in many ways to a second edition of the work. He has restructured and redivided the contents of the volume, segregating some technical matter to two appendixed, and has substantially revised the bibliography to meet the needs of a mainly student, English-speaking readership."
PART I Introduction: How should we study Greek civic religion?
The necessity of cultural estrangement
Some fundamental notions
Sources of evidence
PART II Cult-practices
Religious personnel
Places of cult
Rites of passage
Settings of religious life
Religion and political life
The festival system: the Athenian case
The Panhellenic cults
PART III Systems for representing the divine
Myths and mythology
A polytheistic religion
Forms of imaginative projection
Concluding reflections
The classical Greek temple
The monuments of the Athenian Akropolis
Religion in the Ancient Greek City, Louise Bruit Zaidman, Pauline Schmitt Pantel, 1992, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-41262-5
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