Metaphysics of War
Metaphysics of War - Battle, Victory & Death in the World of Tradition er en artikkelsamling av Julius Evolas om metafysikken bak krig, soldatlivet og seier fra et Tradisjonalistisk perspektiv. Samlingen ble for første gang utgitt på engelsk, i 200 eksemplarer, av Integral Tradition Publishing i 2007. Boken ble i 2011 utgitt på nytt i en tredje nyredigert utgave med flere fotnoter av Arktos.
Evola har her samlet en rekke eksempel fra blant annet ariske og islamske tradisjoner for å demonstrere hvordan Tradisjonalister kan forberede seg selv for å erfare krigen på en slik måte at den tillater dem å transcendere de begrensede mulighetene i en materialistisk tidssalder, og tre inn i en verden av heroisme, å oppnå den høyeste form for bevissthet og en effektiv forståelse av meningen med livet. Hans oppfordring til handling kan ikke sammenlignes med dagens militærledere, som ikke venter mer av en kriger enn at han skal være en soldat i tjeneste hos en dekadent klasse. Evola presenterer krigeren som lever et integrert liv - en som absorberer et spesifikt arisk livssyn. En kriger som ikke ser politiske mål som rettferdiggjørelse av krig, men som en mulighet hvor krigeren kan virkeliggjøre sitt kall til en høyere form av eksistens.
Fra bokens bakside
"These essays, originally written by Evola during the 1930s and '40s, deal with war from a spiritual and heroic perspective. Evola selects specific examples from the Nordic, Vedic, Roman, Persian, Islamic and other traditions to demonstrate how traditionalists can prepare themselves to experience war in a way that will allow them to overcome the limited possibilities offered by our materialistic and degraded age, thereby transcending the Age of Kali and entering the world of heroism by achieving a higher state of consciousness, which Evola depicts as an effective realisation of the ultimate purpose of life."
"His call to action, however, is not that of today's armies, which ask nothing more of their soldiers than to become mercenaries in the temporary employ of a decadent class. Still less is it a call to misdirected or nihilistic violence. Rather, Evola presents the warrior as one who lives an integrated and purposeful way of life - one who adopts a specifically Aryan view of the world in which the political aims of a war are not its ultimate justification, but rather war is seen as merely a means through which the warrior finds his calling to a higher and more complete form of existence beyond the political, and in accordance with the teachings of the great spiritual texts. More importantly, he shows how the ideal of the warrior extends beyond the battlefield into other aspects of traditional living, even in times of peace."
"Julius Evola (1898-1974) was an Italian traditionalist, metaphysician and political philosopher. He remains a leading authority on the world's esoteric traditions and one of the greatest critics of modernity. He wrote extensively on the ancient civilisations and beliefs of both East and West and the world of Tradition. His principal works include Revolt Against the Modern World, The Path of Cinnabar (also published by Arktos), The Hermetic Tradition and The Yoga of Power."
- 1. The Forms of Warlike Heroism
- 2. The Sacrality of War
- 3. The Meaning of the Crusades
- 4. The Greater War and the Lesser War
- 5. The Metaphysics of War
- 6. 'Army' as Vision of the World
- 7. Race and War
- 8. Two Heroisms
- 9. Race and War: The Aryan Conception of Combat
- 10. Soul and Race of War
- 11. The Aryan Doctrine of Combat and Victory
- 12. The Meaning of the Warrior Element for the New Europe
- 13. Varieties of Heroism
- 14. The Roman Conception of Victory
- 15. Liberations
- 16. The Decline of Heroism