Evola - Thoughts & Perspectives

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Evola - Thoughts & Perspectives, Volume One er en bok redigert av Troy Southgate. Boken er en samling med artikler skrevet av ulike forfattere, deriblant Tomislav Sunic, Troy Southgate, Roger Griffin og K.R. Bolton. Boken kom ut for første gang i England i 2011 som den første i en serie bøker med navnet Thoughts & Perspectives redigert av Southgate og utgitt på Black Front Press.

Boken tar for seg de ulike bidragsyterne sine perspektiver på baron Julius Evola, den sicilianske baronen med lang fartstid innen tradisjonalisme og relaterte emner. Antologien tar blant opp Julius Evola's liv, hans tanker om rase, feminisme, kunst, kapitalisme, metafysikk, islam og mye annet.

Fra bokens bakside

JULIUS Evola is one of the more intriguing and controversial figures in the Traditionalist milieu and this unique collection of essays, the first of its kind in English, looks at various aspects of the Italian philosopher's work. Ranging from Art, Sex, Feminism and Economics right through to Race, Politics, Islam and the Occult, this book will serve as a detailed and scholarly guide to one of Europe's most vehement critics of the modern epoch. Contributors include Professor Roger Griffin, Professor Tomislav Sunic, Troy Southgate, Gwendolyn Toynton, K.R. Bolton, Keith Preston, Sean Jobst, Mariella Shearer, Brett Stevens and Christopher Pankhurst.

— Black Front Press, 2011


  • Mission Statement 1
  • Foreword 2
  • Mercury Rising: The Life and Writings of Julius Evola by Gwendolyn Toynton 5
  • Julius Evola on Race by Dr. Tomislav Sunic 20
  • Revolt Against the Feminists by Troy Southgate 30
  • Revolts Against the Modern World by Dr. Roger Griffin 40
  • Tradition and Art by Mariella Shearer 84
  • Evola and the Subversive Nature of Capitalism by K.R. Bolton 101
  • Descent of the Avatar, Ascent of the Human by Christopher Pankhurst 140
  • Islam and Tradition: Evola on Islam by Sean Jobst 157
  • The Sexual Aesthetics and Metaphysics of Julius Evola by Keith Preston 185
  • Julius Evola:Thinker of the Right by K.R. Bolton 199
  • Militant Imperium: A Summary of Men Among the Ruins by Troy Southgate 217
  • Occult War Among the Ruins: Evola's Reaction to the "Counter-Initiation" by Dr. George J. Sieg 269