It Cannot Be Stormed

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Bokens fremside.

It Cannot Be Stormed er en roman skrevet av den tyske forfatteren Ernst von Salomon, boken kom ut på originalspråket tysk under tittelen "Die Stadt" i 1932, og i ny engelsk utgave utgitt av Arktos i 2011.

Boken følger den tidligere soldaten og nåværende intellektuelle avismannen Iversen i hans streben etter å finne mening ved tilværelsen i Weimarrepublikken rundt tiårsskiftet 1920-1930. Han identifiserer seg tett med den kampen de tyske bøndene i bondeforbundet fører mot den liberale staten sine pengeinnkrevere, tross i sin egen urbane bakgrunn. Hans stadige søken etter noe å ta stilling for eller imot preger boken og dens tidsbilde fra mellomkrigstidens Tyskland.

Fra bokens bakside

"This is the story of the disaffected intellectual Iversen, who runs a small newspaper in Weimar Germany during the 1920s. He becomes involved in the Farmers' Movement, a revolutionary organisation which forms around the archetypal, heroic farmer Claus Heim. Iversen heckles the oppressive, debt-ridden German institutions in the name of traditional peasants' rights. A series of outrageous events prompts him to leave the countryside for an unspecified town in an effort to mobilise the forces of political dissatisfaction on behalf of the farmers' interests. He prowls the fragmentary landscape of Weimar-era underground politics, vainly seeking allies among the Communists, National Socialists and anyone who will listen, never being quite sure where he stands or why. Finally he is left only with his sense of attachment to the rural life to which he's never quite belonged, and his loyalty to Claus Heim, as he navigates a dark world that is careening toward disaster."

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