Toward The White Republic

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Bokens fremside.

Toward the White Republic er en bok skrevet av den amerikanske aktivisten og akademikeren Michael O'Meara. Boken kom ut i 2010 er en samling med artikler inndelt etter emne og skrevet av O'Meara, de fleste av artiklene kom originalt på trykk i The Occidental Quarterly. Boken er hans andre, og også den andre boken utgitt på forlaget Counter-Currents Publishing.

I løpet av den første av bokens fire deler, presenterer O'Meara sin tese om at den nåværende amerikanske staten er direkte fiendtlig innstilt og skadelig for den europeisk-ættede befolkningen som opphavlig grunnla den. Deretter følger han opp med å forklare hvorfor han anser konservatismen for å være et dødt alternativ for europeisk-ættede, og han derfor ikke kan kalles "konservativ", men heller vil kalles revolusjonær. Bokens tredje del er O'Mearas oversikt over den feilende amerikanske økonomien, og hvordan dennes fall vil føre til muligheter for hvite amerikanere til å danne sin egen nasjon i det nordvestlige USA. Boken kan sees som O'Mearas praktisk rettede bok, mens hans forrige bok viste idéhistorien som førte til tanken om en hvit etnostat.

Fra bokens bakside

“Just as in medieval times it was considered high treason to speak of the death of the king, in the United States it is taboo to contemplate the break-up of the ‘one nation, indivisible.’ Yet in this slim volume of essays Michael O’Meara argues that if the white race is to survive on this continent, the American Empire must perish. Secession is rising from the ashes of 1865, and O’Meara is one of its leading prophets.” — H. A. Covington

"Michael O'Meara is certainly the preeminent American scholar and translator in all matters concerning the European New Right. But he is also a genuinely American thinker who sometimes uses a different language than his European fellow dissidents. He wants to influence his fellow citizens, so he speaks plainly, in words that are sometimes beautiful and sometimes shockingly frank. He reminds me of me of Arthur Koestler in Paris immediately after WW II, who rejected in disgust the abstract and false language of Sartre and Beauvoir for a concrete and true description of the horrors and joys of those who actually lived under totalitarianism. O'Meara shows how to build a European-American restoration on the foundations of the New Right's philosophical and cultural analyses. He shows the role of myth, poetry, and rhetoric in bridging the gap between knowledge and action. When the `White Republic' emerges in North America, may Michael O'Meara be hailed as one of the Founding Fathers." — Robert Steuckers

“Michael O’Meara is a thinker of great depth and a writer of extraordinary skill. He is impressively erudite, yet in these essays he wears his learning lightly. He is not a pedant trying to dazzle his readers with arcane and esoteric verbiage. He is a revolutionary, who wants to change the world. His idea of the White Republic as the mythic source and aim of radical cultural-racial regeneration may seem too romantic and too risky to the older generation of American paleo-conservatives and European ethno-nationalists. But if the white man is to retrieve his destiny, it is the only way.” — Tomislav Sunic


  • Foreword • iii
  • From Myth to Revolution
  • 1. Toward the White Republic • 1
  • 2. The Myth of Our Rebirth • 21
  • 3. The Sword • 31
  • 4. The Edge of the Sword • 40
  • 5. Cù Chulainn in the GPO • 47
  • 6. The Northwest Novels of H. A. Covington • 61
  • Why I am Not a Conservative
  • 7. Why I Write • 71
  • 8. Three Pillars • 77
  • 9. The Next Conservatism? • 87
  • 10. Against White Reformists • 95
  • Apocalypse American-Style
  • 11. Katrina’s Intimation of the End • 100
  • 12. 2009: Crisis or Opportunity? • 107
  • 13. US, SU: Same Scenario? • 126
  • 14. The Hotrod of the Apocalypse • 140
  • Call to Arms
  • 15. Foreigners Out! • 148
  • Index • 151
  • About the Author • 154